Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thursday 3rd June – Windsor to Eindhoven (Netherlands)

Up at 4am (argh reminds Cass of work) to get from Windsor to Dover to catch the 8.15am ferry. It took us 2 and a half hours as Tortoises top cruising speed is 80-90kph lol. At least there will be no chance of us getting caught speeding! The ferry crossing was great, calm and only took an hour and a half. We got lost getting off the ferry and headed into Calais town instead of going towards Dunkirk – We were thinking much more about cheap alcohol and baguettes with fromage to bother with directions lol We got supplies at a huge shop and then headed towards Belgium, drove through Belgium in the same time as a return trip from Perth to Mandurah would take and then proceeded into the Netherlands, the poor sat nav got us a bit lost at a intersection where there were about 15 major inter-European highways so we decided to pull over for the night at a truck stop.

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