Friday, July 16, 2010

Saturday 12th June - Wroclaw

We rode our bikes into the old city and got lost again (group effort this time!) it is very pretty with lots of lovely very old buildings in gothic and baroque style. We stayed in the city the whole day (and tried to hunt out all the gnomes - pictured) and had dinner in preparation to watch England versus USA in the World cup .We had to ride back to the campsite in the dark after a few too many drinks! We ended up watching the footie (soccer for the Aussies) in the Guinness bar surrounded by 34 scousers (boys from Liverpool who were over on a bucks/stag weekend).There should have been 35 of them but the stag/buck got caught cheating on his prospective wife a few nights before the getaway, the wedding was cancelled and he didn’t board the flight.

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