Wednesday, July 28, 2010

21st July Nis to Lake Grilsko, Serbia

Is this really a road?
Tortiose and another lake

The road

Is this really where we are meant to be?

Hard at work

The next morning we ventured to “The Red Cross” which was one of the countries most notorious concentration camps back in the Nazi era. We had to dodge the wasps nest in the attic where the torture prison cells had barbed wire on the floor.
Nis market was on so we decided to get some food supplies for the journey to Lake Grilsko which lay ahead and also for dinner, among other things we got a kilo of peaches from an elderly lady who’s scales looked antique, we got 12 for only 40 cents and wished they would cost this back home.
On our way to Lake Grilsko we stopped off at Felix Romuliana which was a Romans Emperors palace built in the 3rd and 4th century.
Lake Grilsko is listed in a tourist guide to Eastern Serbia however there were no signposts for it and we spent a while driving down single lane dirt tracks before stumbling upon a farmer who gave us directions. We love finding places which haven’t been touched much by overseas tourists and we certainly found this here. The camper wasn’t so appreciative though and tortoise now has a few more dents and scratches from the trees overhanging the road. We parked up next to the lake for another night of free camping, the lake was lovely and after a refreshing dip we drank the fresh mountain spring water and read while watching our mates aka the huge flocks of swallows which were eating all the mozzies from the surface of the lake!

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