Wednesday, July 28, 2010

18th-20th July Borsko Jezero Lake Serbia

Savaca Mountains
Savaca landscape

Carting hay

Lake Borsko

Setting up camp, with all the locals

The tortoise and the lake

Some lovely locals

On our journey to Bor the poor Tortoise gave a few coughs and splutters before coming to a halt and conking out. The location was gorgeous, we were at the peak of Mount Savaca with its sheer rock cliff faces and we were surrounded by fir tree forests, lakes and green countryside. Although the location was gorgeous it was not such an ideal place to break down as we were on a bend on a hill and approx 40 km’s from civilisation. Luckily we figured the problem was the fuel filter (flipping dodgy Bio diesel) so we flushed it (after starting the laptop and opening up the manual that we had purchased – thank god) and after a few tense minutes we were on our way again.
We entered the campsite to be greeted with crowds of staring faces, the campsite was teeming with people although there were no other foreign tourists and no other motor homes present (there weren’t even any pitches, everyone else was accommodated in static vans). We think the staring was because both campervans and foreign tourists are a rarity in Serbia; anyway we were given prime position right by the lakes water edge which was very picturesque and had the Savaca Mountains in the background. After setting up our table and chairs we promptly lit a mozzie candle and coil and did the whole spraying ritual, this got us a few odd stares too and after a few minutes we realised there were no mozzies – hooray! Now it was time for our dot to dot of mozzie bites to subside. The lakes cold temperature seemed to help these bites die down also the campsite didn’t have a shower so we spent a fair bit of time in the water, and the drop toilets were rather unspeakable as well.
On the second night we went for dinner next to the lake, the menu was written in Serbian and the two owners in the restaurant didn’t speak a word of English. The lady was very friendly though and read out the whole menu (in Serbian lol), we both fancied fish to eat and were pointing to the lake while doing fishing rod actions , Cass even drew a picture of a fish . We weren’t sure if the lady understood us although she continued to talk ten to the dozen while flinging her arms around like a crazed Italian. In the end we played it safe and opted for goulash and salad as we were afraid of being handed a plate of offal or some similar local delicacy which we would have had to have been thrown in the lake while the lady wasn’t looking. Bek thought the lady called the salad Captus which turned out to be tomato, cucumber and onion with a cheese topping and was quite tasty. We were glad not to have been given cabbage as we got this with nearly every dish and it wasn’t agreeing with us, hmm lets just say we were both capable of propelling Tortoise along by the cabbage diet alone !

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