Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday 2nd July - Eger to Kecsemet (and then to Kisunmajsa)

Motorways of Hungary lol
Sunflowers and vineyards - is this the new (and affordable) Tuscany?

After packing up once again we were on the road heading towards Kecsemet where we were expecting to set up camp and see the town the following day. When we pulled up to the camp address all that was left was the reception building and the rest was being trampled by bulldozers (ala Wroclaw). Back to the camping books to realise that there was nowhere else to camp in Kecsemet so we headed off to what we thought was the middle of nowhere about 40km away, when we arrived we saw that the place was literally swarming with German tourists, the campsite we were heading to turned out to be full so we pulled into one advertised on the road and it turned out to be empty and perfect (even when two minutes later it started hailing!)

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