Wednesday, July 28, 2010

4th July Subotica Serbia

Today was our first regulated border crossing since France as we were leaving the EU, as we were lined up for passport control we saw signs which said only 1 litre of spirits allowed, the amount of beer and wine allowed was small too . We hadn’t thought about border control when we purchased wine in Eger and had forgotten about the bottles of Absinth, whisky, Guinness and beer in the back of the camper. By this point it was too late to do anything as a customs official promptly asked to search the camper. Cass opened the back door for the customs official and the camper’s metal step fell out onto his foot. This seemed to be a good move as he didn’t bother to search us and quickly hobbled off, probably because he was in too much pain and was scared what else would fall out and injure him!
When we arrived in Subotica the campsite we were going to stay at was closed-we think we are jinxed when it comes to campsites! We finally found a place to stay in a hotel/bar car park, when we asked where the washing facilities were he pointed to an outdoor shower (so long for a nice shower before Exit festival), the toilet wasn’t much better either as it was in a unisex toilet block in the locals bar which seemed to be open 24 hours and was full of people playing poker and drinking 50% proof local spirits. This included the local cops who like the locals were smoking like chimneys, smoking seems to be the national sport, everyone from ambulance drivers to cooks appear to be chain smokers!.
Although the local cops were at the bar the staff still failed to register us despite this being a legal requirement in Serbia.

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