Wednesday, July 28, 2010

23rd July Donji Milanovac Serbia to Baile Hercules Romania

Spa wear
Romanian face carved in the cliff

Iron gate

Hay fields

A serbian cat

We woke up and peaked out of the campers curtains, we weren’t expecting to be greeted by a completely chock-a- bloc car park and we were literally surrounded by vehicles in every direction. Turned out it was local market day and we were in its car park, maybe next time we will pick a better place to free camp. We had our first proper wash in days in the outdoor shower and had a wonder around the market while contemplating how we were going to get out of the car park. As luck would have it we went back to the camper and a couple of nearby cars soon left so we were able to manoeuvre our way out and head to the Romanian border crossing. We caused a huge tail of traffic at immigration in Serbia as Beks passport hadn’t been stamped when entering Serbia, we also had a small hold up in Romania as customs found a gun in the car in front of us. The customs officials must have thought they had done their days work as we were waved through without insurance document or drivers license checks. The first thing we noticed about Romania were the crazy drivers, after the border crossing there were lots of single lane roads due to road works and the drivers didn’t believe in stopping at red lights, we even saw coaches and cars towing trailers skip them. More often than not our lights would turn green and cars would continue to pass from the opposite direction, we went through on an amber light once and counted 12 cars follow behind us!
We got slightly lost finding the campsite in Baile Hercules and drove through a thermal spring area which was absolutely full of local people all of who were staring at us and many were dressed in clothing which didn’t leave much to the imagination. All along the road the verge was full of cars and caravans and people selling towels, popcorn, fruit, ice cream etc there were even make shift washing lines hanging from tress which people had erected. We finally stumbled upon our campsite which was surrounded by mountains in a nearby area but more civilised (read only 2 other vans there and they all had their clothes on!) than the thermal spring area we had passed through. We had dinner that night in the campsites restaurant the shared mixed grill was lovely but we kept getting a smell of burning and couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. After some time we realised the 400+ moths which had been flying near the restaurants outdoor lights were diminishing in numbers, we then saw smoke and realised the moths were getting burnt to death as the outdoor lights had no cover. We both felt tipsy by the end of the meal after the German owner insisted on us having shots of local brandy with him, this tasted pretty gross! The owner was the only waiter working but he was very drunk and we could hear him in the kitchen arguing with his wife.

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