Wednesday, July 28, 2010

3rd July Szeged Hungary


City centre

Our supposed campsite lol

We arrived here to find our prospective campsite under water as the area had flooded a few weeks previously. At least this makes a change from turning up to the campsite being bulldozed! There were some signs around the town for another campsite 9kms away so we set off there. When we arrived it turned out the campsite was located at a natural spa site called ‘Schzinfurd’ and with our camping pass we could get free admission to the spa. We were excited about this and as soon as we were parked up we went to look at the spa. The excitement soon faded as we were greeted with nothing more than a muddy cold water pool; needless to say we politely declined a dip and opted to venture into town instead!
Szeged is full of pedestrian areas with lots of sidewalk cafes; the main square had three walls with 80 statues of Hungarian notables although we only recognised a few lol. The new synagogue was lovely it is supposed to be the most beautiful Jewish place of worship in Hungary; the interior was painted gold and blue in an art nouveau style.

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