Wednesday, July 28, 2010

20th July Nis Serbia

Roman ruins
Our lunch spot

Nis didn’t have a campsite and one hotel wanted us to pay 10euros for the privilege of parking in their unguarded car park 9km out of town 20m away from the main motorway (it started out at 5 euros and then when another worker got involved in the transaction it turned into 10 lol) so we parked the camper in a residential area where we were to sleep for the night and then walked into town. Our first port of call was skull tower, in 1809 the Turks defeated the Serbians at the Battle of Cegar and to deter the Serbs from future rebellion they beheaded 952 men and embedded their skulls at skull tower. The walk from the city (in a very humid 37c) took approximately an hour although the girl at the tourist information said it would take 20 minutes by foot. We arrived at skull tower very sweaty to say the least and thought perhaps the tourist office lady was one of those marathon speed walkers!
After taking in the sites of Nis including the fortress we went for dinner. We both ordered a salad, although Bek thought she was being clever by ordering a Captus salad. When the waiter brought out our salads he handed Bek a plate of cabbage and Cass a plate of the tomato and cucumber salad which we had had at Borsko Jezero lake .We couldn’t stop laughing and soon figured Captus meant cabbage, the lady at the lake didn’t give us captus salad after all!

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