Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday 18th August Transfagarasan road to Sibiu (Cisnadoria)

After topping up the campers water we drove the last 9km of the Transfagarasan road up to the peak of the mountains and all the way down right into the heart of Transylvania lol We got to Sibiu to find our prospective campsite once again no longer existed, this time the map wasn’t at fault! We had made an online reservation about a week prior but the campsite had closed months ago and they hadn’t changed the online details. After following some camping signs we ended up in a campsite 10km from Sibiu in a place called Cisnadoria. The campsite was in a lovely location surrounded by countryside and old monasteries. We did some much needed washing, had a BBQ and once again made friends with the camps dogs. We were surprised to see an elderly German couple with a bright orange ply wood caravan which again looked like it was from the 1950’s, we gathered they hadn’t been on some of the roads which we had or else it would be in pieces.

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