Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday 11th August Sulina to Murgihol

Best view of Sulina (leaving lol)

In order to catch the early ferry our alarm clock was set for 5am, we were both awake at this time eager to depart Sulina but suffering from lack of sleep. Throughout the night we had the noise of dogs barking, mosquitos buzzing and a nearby rooster’s cock-a-doodle-do which started at 2.30am… his perception of day and night was slightly muddled.
On arrival back in Tulcea we went to a farmers market and made our way to Murgihol which is situated on the edge of a lake in the Delta. We arrived in Murgihol thinking that it was a major town and would have a bank…wrong again! We backtracked to the nearest bank and then checked into the campsite, we decided that we didn’t want to be camped near the main road as the camp owner suggested but instead opted for a vacant spot down the bottom of the garden. Several hours after setting up camp we commented how the flies were driving us mad although no other campers appeared to be bothered by them and we couldn’t see anyone flinging their arms around. After hearing a snort we peered into the neighbours garden and saw a large pig laying in his sty, it was about 10m from our camper and the source of the flies.
That night we finally booked a boat trip for the next morning.

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