Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday 12th August Murgihol to Navodari

After spending 6 days in the Danube delta we finally made it onto a boat and ventured into some of the 4187 sq km’s of wetland marshes, reed islands and sand bars. We were the only two passengers onboard a speedboat, due to its small size it meant we could get into the much smaller waterways many larger boat tours couldn’t. The delta is home to 300 species of birds including Europe’s largest pelican colony which we were fascinated by, we were also fascinated by the amount of frogs in the water at any one time we could literally see thousands. Bek and the guide thought Cass had turned Japanese as she was crazily snapping away and took hundreds of photos. We both had a great day which ended at 11am (we had an early start to bet the heat) with a rally driving session back to the campsite. The guide was dropping us back at the campsite, his car would be on the scrap heap in the Uk/Oz and when he careered over bumps and went round corners we felt like the bottom was going to give way and we would be left with a car resembling something from the Flintstones.
From Murgihol we headed to the Black Sea coast, it was a very hot day and the 44oc was too much for Tortoise. He gave up the ghost 20km from Constanta in a great free camping spot right on the beach, the area was full of local people as people only knew about the area by word of mouth. We met one guy who was camped there for a week (as many others appeared to be too) and we wondered what he would do for a wash and where he would go to the toilet as there weren’t any facilities nearby…we decided it was best not to think about this lol The guy was a bit strange and at night time we couldn’t get rid of him, in between talking he kept jumping up and down whacking himself with a towel as he said he was getting bitten by mozzies. Cass said it would help if he was wearing more than just Speedos and had some repellent on (on that point Romanians and Germans all over the world would do themselves great favours if they watched and heeded the trumpet ad! He then went to his caravan, we thought we had got rid of him but he came back covered in vinegar as he said it was a good mozzie repellent. We said we would stick to mozzie coils and citronella candles lol

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