Monday, August 9, 2010

3rd August Borsa to Gura Humorului

Prislop pass
prislop pass

lovely roads

just out for a walk

hay bales in a field

gypsy camp


We drove for several km’s before we saw huge signs for Borsa Tourist Complex , we had been at Borsa Tourist and not Borsa Tourist complex which were looking for, that explained the tiny campsite and lack of ski lift.
The drive to Gura Humorului in the Bucovina region took us through the Prislop pass with forested hills, valleys and lakes the drive was once again very scenic and we stooped off at various points to admire the view or have a cuppa. We had seen the Prislop Pass described on the internet while in Australia as one of the top drives in the world.
After the Prislop pass the drive continued through small villages, many of which were brightly coloured or had large wooden engraved gates: both are traditional to the area .
The Bucovina region is listed in the Unesco world heritage list as there are a huge amount of monasteries in the area with very old frescos. We went to two monasteries today the first being Moldovita Monastery which dates back to 1537 and the second Sucevita Monastery which dates back to 1582. Both were completely covered in frescos apart from the western wall at Sucevita , legend has it that the painter fell off his scaffolding and died, leaving artists of his time too scared to follow in his footsteps.

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