Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tuesday 10th August Tulcea to Sulina

Beautiful Sulina!

We woke up early today as we had to purchase (cant pre purchase) the ferry tickets to Sulina and also find somewhere suitable to leave Tortoise, we planned to spend a few days in Sulina as it sounded a nice town and we thought we would now do a boat tour from there into the tributaries rather from Tulcea as we had originally planned.
The ferry ride from Tuclea to Sulina took us 2.5 hours along 64km of the Sulina channel which is its shortest Channel in the delta .We passed various bird species as well as pigs, cows and sheep etc at the remote villages. The boat was quite new by Romanian standards although we had to fight for a seat as the local villagers onboard had huge box loads of shopping which were strewn all over the place.
When we stepped off the ferry in Sulina we looked at each other and said “what a dump”, the roads were dug up with huge piles of cement and rubble lying around. There was dust flying everywhere and the promenade was lined with ram shackled buildings (not quite what we were anticipating) the mosquitos were also savages and the stray dogs even looked like even they hated it there!
Luckily we had a few guesthouse addresses written on a piece of paper although none of the streets were marked with names. Bek entered one guesthouse and opened what looked like a reception door but instead she was greeted by an elderly lady lying on a sofa with her skirt up around her waist reading a book. The lady gestured to Bek to enter the room next door which Bek did but instead of a reception she found two German tourists in bed-needless to say she made a quick exit. After some time we eventually found a guesthouse, the room smelt of moth balls, the bathroom smelt of river water and renovations were being carried out at this stage we didn’t care and just wanted a roof over our head.
That evening we had a foul tasting dinner and decided to get the hell out of Sulina and board the ferry back to Tulcea the following morning.
To top things off when we got back to the guesthouse we both had a dodgy stomach.

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