Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tuesday 17th August Bucharest to Transfagarasan Mountain

No wonder Tortoise had a heart attack!

Question: How do Romanians get a bulldozer off the back of a truck?


Today we tackled the Transfagarasan road (featured on Top gear) this was built for military reasons as it has such sharp gradients and twists and turns. The road is meant to be one of the best roads in the world due to the spectacular scenery; it is surrounded by lakes and mountains including the highest peak in Romania. The road is only open from June-September due to heavy snow so we timed it right. We nearly made it to the top when Tortoise overheated, our fan hasn’t been coming on but we needed to get to Sibui to get fuses. We parked up for the night (as many others had done) in a very picturesque location surrounded by mountains, sweeping hills and a stream; we used the freezing cold stream water to keep our food cool overnight. As we sat admiring the scenery we commented how the sheep had very bad legs, some of the sheep’s legs were so bad they practically ate lying down. A while later the shepherd and his dogs herded the sheep and went past our camper they then scaled a huge mountain where they spend the night- this was the reason for the bad legs.

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