Monday, August 9, 2010

30th July Gilau to Baie Mare (Firinze)

Main street cluj-napoca
We were leaving the campsite and dumping our grey water when Cass discovered an outside tap under the camper, she turned it and a huge amount of foul smelling discoloured water literally poured and poured out. It transpires that the waste water tap we had been opening for the past two months was actually only draining fresh excess boiler water (so that’s why it only trickled out). For the past week or so we had been accusing each other of missing the toilet at night and weeing on the bathroom floor, Bek being a nurse was obviously the one to clear it up although she didn’t think it was typical urine and was rather puzzled. The puzzle was now solved however as we soon realised the ‘ urine’ on the bathroom floor was actually waste water that had made its way up the pipe from the very full waste water tank, and now we no longer have puddles of ‘ urine’ on our bathroom floor!
On our way to Baie Mare we stopped off in Cluj-Napoca for several hours, while we were here we visited the pharmaceutical museum which was the site of a pharmacy until 10 years ago and still contained all the original pharmaceutical items many dating back to the 14th century when the pharmacy was established.
We later arrived in Baie Mare which is in The Maramures region of Romania and is very rural. We got slightly lost trying to find our campsite and in doing so we stumbled upon a pension (guesthouse) which only charged 9 euro each and the room had a balcony with a view of the mountains, river and countryside. We were the only guests staying here with the owner and her children.

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