Thursday, August 26, 2010

Saturday 14th August Jupiter (Black Sea Coast)

We spend the day relaxing on the beach and taking in the sights. Romanians tend to be on the large side and most aren’t shy about baring their bodies, some of the people we saw sunbathing were huge and were wearing no more than a g string bikini. We said it was good that the lettuce leaf diet or size 0 hadn’t caught on yet although some could have done with wearing slightly more clothing.
One elderly man was doing exercises about 5m in front of us, he bent over and the elastic had frayed on his Speedos so all hung loose which left little to the imagination.
As we entered the beach there were several people selling various things, one man was selling plastic bottles full of blackish coloured liquid. Cass thought it was blackcurrant juice although later on we found out it was black sea silt deposits which they applied to their bodies to aid circulation. We were glad we hadn’t bought any to drink although we weren’t too sure about smothering our bodies in it.

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