Monday, August 9, 2010

1st August Baia Mare to Sapanta

Jessie the wonder dog
ummm no thanks


A clumsy Bek and a rushing river - not such a good combination!

Cat and the dinner lol

We said goodbye to the family and Jessie the gorgeous family dog who looked like a lamb and made our way to Sapanta. The drive once again took us through The Maramures region past tiny little villages where people feed off their land and wear traditional dress, we drove past more horse drawn carriages pulling hay, cement mixers, scrap metal and wood etc than we did motor vehicles. If the locals aren’t working the land they appear to congregate on the side of the road, when we drove past they looked like they hadn’t seen a campervan before and many gave us a smile and a wave. We also drove past people selling wild berries and what appeared to be fungi scrapped off the side of the tree. We like trying new food and buying food off the locals but we think we will give these a miss as we don’t want to end up in a Romanian hospital suffering from delirium.
We arrived at the campsite mid afternoon and the heavens started to open, Bek had what she calls her ‘near death experience’ . We had plugged the vans electricity into a power point which must have had a faulty earth, as Bek went to open the vans door she acted like the earth and got a 220 volt shock. She was left feeling very shaky and Cass wondered how many times she was going to hear the story in future lol The rain soon stopped and we sat by the fast flowing river reading our books, Cass commented that a dog or child wouldn’t have much chance if they fell in the river. Ironically about 5 minutes later one of the camps dogs fell in, there were a few tense minutes but he had a lucky escape and managed to scramble free on one of the rocks.
Later that evening we had a bbq, we fed the dog who had also had a ‘near death experience’ our left over bones and then gave the bbq a wipe over with a sponge. Cass put the sponge on the floor and a while later it was nowhere to be seen , we then spotted it at the back of the camper although now it was a quarter of its original size. The camp dog must have taken a liking to the bbq fat which was smeared on it!

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