Monday, August 9, 2010

31st july Baia Mare ( Firinze)

View from the pension
The tortoise and the pension

Flowers and the yard

After two months of no TV we decided to make the most of the rooms TV and we spent much of the day switching channels between Animal Planet, National Geographic and The Discovery Channel. Bek made the mistake of giving the remote to Cass who watched CSI lol In between TV we enjoyed the view from our balcony which we shared with a swallow and chicks. We also took a walk to the top of the hill in the garden on the way down Bek flashed her the camera to the landlady to say she had been taking photos of the scenery, the lady thought Bek was asking to take a photo of her and she gestured that her hair looked a little untidy. Never mind that she was a large lady and was only wearing a leopard print bikini!
We thought the landlady thought we were weird as we had only eaten eggs for 24 hours, in the evening we took a stroll and went for dinner in a pastravia (Trout Farm) the waiter said they had no whole fish left but only pieces, we said this was fine and wondered what sort of fish farm sold out of whole fish but had still had pieces available. When the dinner came out we had a huge plate of fish but after some time we realised we didn’t have anything that resembled Trout and we had been given salmon. We had 5 huge pieces each, enough to feed a family, needless to say we ate everything but doubt we will ever have salmon served in such huge portions or for that price ever again.

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