Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wednesday 1st – 6th September Vielko Tarnovo (Trinity Rocks Farm)

Right on the rivers edge
Our trusty taxi driver...ummm accountant...ummm builder???

the fortress and the town


The houses perched on Veilko Tarnovos cliffs

Within the fortress walls

the Main gate of the fortress

Slate covered streets

Tortoise on the farm

When we arrived at the campsite we told Cliff the friendly English owner that we would be staying for two nights; however these two nights turned into six . For the first few nights we were the only guests on the farm although an expat guy named Dave was living on the farm as he was helping Cliffe prepare for the Trinity Farm festival.
Colin a true Scotsman (he even had that tattooed on his arm) was also living on the farm, he was supposed to be carrying out odd jobs in return for free accommodation and food although his practical skills were non existent and Dave said he was taking years off his life every time he picked up a power tool. Colin appeared to be constantly stoned although the only thing he smoked was 60 cigarettes a day, he was probably in shock as a week before he had arrived home to his wife say she didn’t want to be with him anymore and had purchased a plane ticket for him to fly to the UK from their home in Melbourne, Colin thought they had the perfect marriage so maybe that explained his vagueness. (just to clarify he told us all this within 5 minutes of us pulling up to the farmhouse!)
Initially we thought Colin had been on the farm for weeks especially when he made comments like “Dave hates it when I talk about his Gypsy ex girlfriend”, he certainly kept us entertained lol
The farm had a communal lounge and kitchen where we often sat nattering with Cliff, Colin and Dave, they had a list of chores to be carried out in time for the festival and each night we asked them how they were getting on, they said okay but very few things seemed to be getting ticked off it. Cliff was very laid back and also disorganised and on the morning of the festival commencing he was busy digging a trench.
We decided to stay for the festival as we were enjoying staying on the farm and it looked like an interesting line up to Bek and Cass thought the snippets on you-tube sounded okay. It rained on the Saturday of the festival which was a shame as it had been lovely and sunny all week! a lot of ex-pats living in Bulgaria turned up for the festival as well as many of the uni students from Veliko Tarnovo, during the day children from a local orphanage came to listen to the music and enjoy various entertainment.
We both really liked VT, the town had a lot of character as well as a good amount of hustle and bustle due to the large student population. One of the streets is named Ul Gurko and it twists its away along a gorge which is picturesque. Several of the shops off this street were selling designer clothing which seemed out of place for VT but Dave told us the Mafia use these for money laundering. The fortress was also interesting and as usual we were shocked by the lack of health and safety measures, one sign said to ring the local museum in the event of an injury, we said we wouldn’t beat about the bush and would ring straight for an ambulance. There was a church within the fortress which was very unique as all the inner walls were painted in dark colours with modern eerie scenes, again they charged for cameras so we didn’t take any photos.

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