Tuesday, September 21, 2010

15th Ksamil to Drymades via Butrint National Park.

Butrint National Park

Butrint; remains of a roman townhouse and evidence of the rising water table that made them abandon the city

Drymades beach resort

We had been up most of the night using the bathroom so it was touch and go whether we would have to stay in the dump another night but being true fighters ( lol) we dragged ourselves out of bed and headed to Butrint National Park.
The national park houses an acropolis of ancient ruins and is the largest in Albania, the museum was interesting and contained a large amount of relics which had been excavated, some of the large excavated statues had chunks missing, many of these were excavated in the 1930’s so we guessed the shovels used (as photos in the museum also showed) had taken chunks off the excavated pieces.
From Butrint we headed to Drymades beach the drive was extremely hilly which we weren’t expecting so we stopped off for an early dinner before reaching Drymades so we could give Torty a rest. We had spoken about starving ourselves for the day but seeing as we both felt better we thought we would have a lite dinner. The coastal restaurant overlooked a bay and was in a lovely setting, we asked for a menu but the manager said there was no menu (often seems to be the case in Albania) and it was a fish restaurant, we asked how much the fish was and he said 10euros so we said okay. 10 euros is quite expensive for fish by our travelling standards but the location was so nice so we thought we would treat ourselves. When the waiter asked if we wanted potatoes and salad we said yes, the waiter then proceeded to bring out olives, bread, feta, chinese cabbage as well as huge bowl of salad. Cass said maybe the manager misunderstood us but then the waiter brought out chips and a huge fish each. We couldn’t believe the amount of food on the table...so long to starving ourselves! The food was delicious but we got a shock when it came to bill time as every item had been individually charged and even the feta alone was the price of a dinner in our usual restaurants. We handed over 40 euros which seemed a lot but then we thought of the food we had eaten and the location and where we had eaten it and really it was a bargain. Cass joked that Bek had had her birthday dinner three months early.
After driving 3 km’s down a one way dirt track we arrived at Drymades beach, we couldn’t find our proposed campsite and most places were shut. After gazing in each direction Bek entered a brand new complex, the manager told her it would be 40 euros a night (says 50e on the internet) but she haggled over the price and struck a deal at 30 euros a night with breakfast .
The complex had only opened in july so everything was brand new and there were very few others staying. Once we had checked in we went for a walk along the beach and then went for a swim in the sea.

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