Tuesday, September 21, 2010

8th September Plovdiv

In the morning we were sat having breakfast when Bek turned to Cass and said “guess who’s just arrived “ Cass guessed it in one and turned around to see the German couple with the bright orange plywood caravan. We spent the day exploring Plovdiv which is Bulgaria’s second largest city although it has a laid back feel and is more like a large town. The lanes in the old town are cobbled and full of antique shops which Bek enjoyed exploring but was shocked by the high prices. Throughout the old town there are a dozen traditional homes which can be visited, we went to several as well as the ethnographic museum which was very interesting. The Roman Amplitheatre was impressive and gave a great view of the city although it seems a shame the building is not more protected as many people clamber on the ruins, the entrance path alone means walking on 2,000 year old steps.
At night we had dinner at “happy” restaurant which is a chain of restaurants all over Bulgaria and very popular, Cass had sushi for the first time in months so was happy.

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