Tuesday, September 21, 2010

13th Lake Ohrid to Gjirokaster via Barmash pass

Some more quality roads, thank god we werent driving on it when it slid!
Cass thought that Albanians spoke Australian (it really means for sale)

Barmash Pass

Highway 1 Albanian style

Bed shop delivery man

In the morning we checked out of the campsite while the locals were sat in the restaurant having their breakfast of Raki, expresso and cigarettes (oh to be a local in my next life).
The drive to Gjirokaster took us over the Barmash pass which is 1759m high, we took the drive easy and stopped for lunch and coffee in various scenic spots. The drivers in Albania are crazy and they don’t even think twice about overtaking on mountainous blind bends where there are no barriers and sheer cliff drops, lets just say we had a few curt words here and there!
It’s also not uncommon to see roads where landslides have occurred and carried the road with it.
There are no campsites in Gjirokaster so we stayed in a hotel next to a lake just out of town, Bek was excited about the prospect of wallowing in a bath and as soon as we had eaten dinner in the hotel she went to run a bath. The water from the bathroom tap came out green and stank of stagnant water so that idea was soon forgotten.

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