Tuesday, September 21, 2010

11th September Sandanski (Bulgaria) to Lake Ohrid (Albania) via Greece

Some of the 60,000 cement bunkers that the nutso's...I mean communist boofheads put all over the countryside ready for war.
Lake Ohrid

We were woken at 7am by the drunken couple arguing again and at 7.30am we were on our way to Albania. Going through the Bulgarian border into Greece was a breeze and the roads were a joy with very few potholes, the only hiccup for the 400km journey was after stopping in Thessalonki to replenish our supply of Euros we got onto the motorway in the wrong direction lol We crossed into Albania at 3pm which again was hassle free, they didn’t even ask to see any vehicle documents and we wished every border crossing could be the same.
Previously we had read on internet forums etc how Albania has such terrible roads so we were bracing ourselves for the worst but we were pleasantly surprised and they were no worse than Serbia , Romania and Bulgaria.
When we arrived at Lake Ohrid campsite it started to rain, so much for sunning ourselves lake side lol instead we watched a few films and read.

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