Tuesday, October 5, 2010

16th September Drymades Beach

The weather was perfect so we spent the day relaxing by the pool and on the beach reading our books, doing crosswords and people watching. At one point a couple in a land rover with British licence plates on it drove onto the beach, we commented that they were either brave or daft as they were highly likely to get stuck. Several hours later we heard the spinning noise of tyres, we looked to our side to see the land rover stuck in the sand. Subsequently a large truck appeared on the beach, it had come to tow the land rover out of the sand however it too became stuck. The driver kept accelerating which made the truck wheels sink deeper and deeper into the sand, the driver then got out of his cab and put on a theatrical performance which included crying and throwing rocks and sand at this truck, the Albanian men appear to take their emotive behaviour from the Italians that overcrowd them in summer, it made for some great entertainment.
Later that night we were overlooking the beach having a fish dinner in the hotels restaurant and we saw a rock breaker four-wheel drive tractor towing the land rover out of the sand. This was about 8 hours after it initially became stuck, the girlfriend of the driver looked less than impressed to say the least!

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